London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1928

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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Three notices were served under Article 17 of the Milk and Dairies
Order, 1926, where persons engaged in the milk trade had been contacts
of cases of infectious disease.
31 cases of infectious disease occurred in homeworkers' premises—
2 smallpox, 10 diphtheria, 13 scarlet fever, 1 chickenpox, 1 puerperal fever
and 4 measles.
No notice was served under the Factory and Workshop Act, 1901,
Sections 108 and no. Where there was any risk of infection the work
was discontinued, and any work found on the premises was disinfected
before being returned.

Removal of Cases of Notifiable Diseases to Hospital.

Disease.M.A.B. HospitalsPoor Law Institutions .General Hospitals etc.Total Removals.Percentage of cases notified.
Scarlet Fever623-362698.6
Enteric Fever1-2360.0
Puerperal Fever41-5100.
Puerperal Pyrexia ..54-990.0
Cerebro-spinal Fever1**--1100.
Encephalitis Lethar-gica-----
Ophthalmia Neonatorum9-11017.2
Acute Polio-encephalitis--11100.
Acute Poliomyelitis--22100.
Zymotic Enteritis ..-3033314.1

* Admitted with Scarlet Fever. **Admitted with Measles.
N.B.—Cases reported to be "not suffering" have been excluded
from above table.