London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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June Quarter.

Sample No.Article.Result of Analysis.Action taken.
P.112Milk15 per cent. added waterSummons dismissed on warranty.
P.115Milk5 per cent. added waterSummons dismissed on warranty.
G.119Milk2.3 per cent. added waterLetter of caution.
P.118Seidlitz Powders56 per cent. deficient in Tartaric AcidLetter of caution.
G.127MargarineContained 15 per cent. mineral oilSample (G. 148) taken on delivery.
G.148MargarineContained 15 per cent. mineral oilReported to Ministry of Agriculture.
G.134Milk3.3 per cent. deficient in fatLetter of caution.
P.202Milk86 per cent. deficient in fat..Summons: see Note at foot.
G.195Milk73 per cent. deficient in fat..No action; sold as ''separated''
G.200Milk3.5 per cent. added waterLetter of caution.
G.206Margarine10 per cent. Mineral oilLetter of caution, and reported to Ministry of Agriculture.
P .209Milk3.3 per cent. deficient in fatTaken on delivery at railway station; letter to producers.
P.210Milk3.3 per cent. deficient in fatTaken on delivery at railway station; letter to producers.
G.185OatmealBiscuit mealLetter of caution.
G.181Milk3.3 per cent. deficient in fatLetter of caution.
G.-MilkRefusal to sell for analysis£2 fine; £1 Is. costs.
P.-MilkRefusal to sell for analysis£3 fine; £1 1s. costs.

Note.—Sample P. 202, defendant failed to appear; summons adjourned pending
arrest. (See aUo foot of page 88.)
3 Samples of Cocoa contained added Alkali 2 per cent.; letters of caution sent.
1 Sample of Butter and 2 of Margarine contained excess water 0.5 per cent.;
''ported to Ministry of Agriculture.