London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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There were 2,326 notifications of cases of infectious diseases, excluding
96 second notifications and 154 cases in which diagnosis was not
confirmed. The notification rate was 13.8 as against 13.8,12.9, 6.6, 9.2,
9.8 and 10.1 for the five years 1921-5.
Number op Cases Occurring in Institutions.

Notifications of inmates of Institutions (excluding cases admitted with the disease) within the Borough were as follows:—

Total Cases.Notifications.Removals.
Diphtheria.Erysipelas.Scarlet Fever.Smallpox.Puerperal Fever.Ophthalmia Neonatorum.Zymotic Enteritis.Pneumonia (all forms).Diphtheria.Erysipelas.Scarlet Fever.Smallpox.Puerperal Fever.Zymotic Enteritis.Pneumonia (all forms)
Poplar Institution8..1........16..1*......1*1*
St. Andrew's Hospital62†11†........2**••1**..••••..
Bow Institution........Nil....................
Bromley House Institution........Nil....................
Langley House, 54, East India Dock Road2....1........1............1*
Poplar Hospital1....1†............1**......••

* Admitted into St. Andrew's Hospital. ** Removed to M.A.B. Hospitals.
†Staff. §1 Staff.
Infectious Diseases in Milkshops and Home workers' Premises.
Six cases of infectious disease (2 scarlet fever and 4 measles) were
connected with milk shops.