London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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Zymotic Enteritis.—The visiting of these cases is most unsatisfactory
owing to the uncertainty of the Notifications. 15 died before Notifications
were received. There were 31 deaths prior and subsequent to the
notification period.
I wish to thank the Voluntary Workers who have attended so regularly.
They have been of great assistance at the Clinics.
The Christmas Parties were larger this year. 1,300 guests were
entertained. Our thanks are again due to the Clinic Staff and many
friends for their support.
Number of stillbirths 110
Delivered by Doctors 10
,, by Midwives 44
,, in Institutions 53
B.B.A 2
No information available 1
Premature births 21
First pregnancies 20
Mothers who had had previous stillbirths:—
One. Two. Three.
11 3 1


Under 55-10Under 55-10Under 55-10Under 55-10
East London Nursing Society71146-67-455473
St. John Divine228-15423259
St. Mildred's District Nurse110-118-