London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1917

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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GeneralChinese Quarters *
Underfloor ventilation provided2
Dangerous walls and roofs repaired111
Sleeping rooms ventilated42
Rooms unfit for sleeping in, disused32
Water supplies reinstated61
Air gratings repaired5

* Included in figure? under head " Genera'."
Legal Proceedings.
Legal proceedings were instituted under the Housing, Town Planning,
etc., Act, 1909, in regard to ejectment of tenants of houses in
respect of which closing orders had been made by the Council, and under
the Public Health (London) Act, 1891, re defective roofs. See page 1:14.
I am, Sir,
Your obedient Servant,
Sanitnri/ Inspector for Houses Let in
Lodging.". Cert. San. Insp. Examn.
Bd.y Lond.