London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1909

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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Inspection of Schools.
The schools in my division (Poplar South) number eight, each of
which was inspected during the year.
In one instance only was it necessary to serve the authorities with a
written intimation. At this School (St. Edmund's, West Perry Road)
on inspection the drain inlet in playground was obstructed and one of the
water flushing apparatuses of the boys' w.c.'s was out of repair. The
nuisances were abated on the service of a written intimation.

Public Health London Act, 1891.


Failing to comply with statutory notice to clear and amend obstructed defective drain.21, Chipka Street, Cubitt Town.Summons withdrawn on payment of £2 4s. costs.
No water for sanitary or domestic purposes.53, Glengall Road, Cubitt Town.Water re-instated at date of hearing of summons. £2 4s. costs allowed by magistrate.

Premises where Food Stuffs were Sold or Prepared for Sale.

Periodical inspections were made of the following premises, and notices served as under:—

No. ofIntimations and Notices.Now Unoccupied.
Tripe dressers and sausage makers98
Dairies and milk shops241
Ice cream vendors243
Coffee shops and dining rooms35244
Fish shops123