London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1909

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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Tetley StreetWest Street
Union StreetWillis Street
Wells StreetWoolmore Street
Warrington PlaceYabsley Street

Drain Reconstructions.
The drains of 155 premises have been tested either with smoke or
chemical tests, and in 62 premises found to be defective.
During the year the drains of the undermentioned premises were
constructed or reconstructed, and in almost every case (where there was
sufficient fall in the drain) intercepted, ventilated and furnished with
means of access front and back of the premises, in accordance with the
requirements of the London County Council's bye-laws and the regulations
of the Borough Council, plans of each having been submitted to and
approved by the Council:—
Orchard Place, "The Prince Albert" P.H.
Eobin Hood Lane, 28.
St. Leonard's Eoad, 24, 24a.
Union Street, The Carpenter's Centre, " Woolmore Street Schools."
Woolmore Street, "The Foresters' Arms" B.H.
Drainage Reconstruction on Old Lines.
The drains of the undermentioned premises have been relaid on the
old lines and where practicable, intercepted and provided with access
chambers at each end for cleansing purposes, and proper means of
ventilation provided.
In a number of cases combined systems (drains) were dealt with by
Aberfeldy Street, 43.
Bloomsbury Street, 10.
Cook Street, 2, 3.
Cotton Street, 49, 51, 52, 53.
Culloden Street, 37.
Dee Street, 37 (partially).
East India Dock Eoad, 219, 471
Grundy Street, 142.
High Street, 222.