London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1908

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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TABLE F. Othek Matters.

Class. wNumber (2)
Matters notified to H.M. Inspector of Factories: —
Failure to affix Abstract of the Factory and Workshop Act (s. 133)29
Action taken in matters referred by H.M. Inspector as remediable under the Public Health 1Notified by H.M. Inspector4
Acts, but not under the Factory and Workshop Act (s. 5)Reports (of action taken) sent to H.M. Inspector4
Underground Bakehouses (s. 101):—
Certificates granted during the year
In use at the end of the year29

The Bakehouses throughout the Borough were inspected at least
twice during the year.
There are 114 bakehouses in the Borough of Poplar, 37 Poplar
(including one factory bakehouse), 48 Bromley (including one factory
bakehouse), 29 Bow, bat at the date of the last inspection three were
disused in Poplar, seven in Bromley and five in Bow, so that there were
in use 99 bakehouses, 34 Poplar, 41 Bromley and 24 Bow. See Table A,
page 119.
There are 35 underground bakehouses in the Borough, 8 Poplar, 15
Bromley and 12 Bow. At the end of the year six were not in use—
one Poplar, four Bromley and one Bow.
Bakehouses marked with * are underground.
„ ,, ,, f were disused at date of last inspection.