London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1966

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]

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Area of the borough 8,579 acres.
Census 1961 290,582
Estimate of Registrar General at midyear 1966 289,130
Rateable Value
Rateable value of the borough at April 1, 1966 £ 11,952,630
Estimated net product of a penny rate 1966/7 £47,500
Estimated number of separately assessed dwellings at April, 1 1966 85.503
Births Males Females Total
Legitimate 2,451 2,368 4,819
Illegitimate 373 359 732
Totals 2,824 2,727 5,551
Crude birth rate per 1,000 of the estimated population 19-2
Adjusted birth rate for comparative purposes
(Area comparability factor= 0.96) 18'4
Total (43 males and 42 females) 85
Rate per 1,000 live and stillbirths 15-1
(males 15.0 females 15.2)
Total (1,795 males, 1,611 females) 3,406
Crude death rate per 1,000 population 11-8
Adjusted death rate
(areacomparability factor 0.96) 11*3
Infant mortality
Infant deaths (all deaths of liveborn children under one year)
Males Females Total
Legitimate 66 40 106
Illegitimate 7 7 14
Totals 73 47 120
Death rate of all infants per 1000 livebirths 21-6
Death rate of legitimate infants per 1000 legitimate livebirths 22 0
Death rate of illegitimate infants per 1000 illegitimate livebirths 19-1
Death rate of male infants per 1000 male livebirths 25-8
Death rate of female infants per 1000 female livebirths 17-2
Neonatal deaths (under 4 weeks of age) 88
(54 males, 34 females)
Males per 1000 male livebirths 19-1
Females per 1000 female livebirths 12-5
All infants per 1000 livebirths 15-8
Early neonatal deaths (under 1 week of age) 79
(51 males, 28 females)
Males per 1000 male livebirths 18-1
Females per 1000 female livebirths 10-3
All infants per 1000 livebirths 14-2
Perinatal mortality (deaths under 1 week plus stillbirths) 164
(94 males, 70 females)
Males per 1000 live and still male births 32'8
Females per 1000 live and still female births 25-3
All infants per 1000 live and stillbirths 29-1
Reproductive wastage (stillbirths plus all infant deaths) 205
Males per 10001 ive and still male births 40-5
Females per 1000 live and still female births 32-1
All infants per 1000 live and stillbirths 36-4
Maternal deaths
Maternal deaths 1
Maternal mortality rate per 1000 live and stillbirths 0-2