London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1965

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]

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The scope of work of the department under this heading expanded during the year
by the use of the powers contained in the Housing Act, 1964, which among other
things, gives the right to tenants in rented dwellings outside improvement areas to
request the Council to require their landlords to carry out improvements up to the
five point amenity standard. The use of this power is conditional on the property
having a life of, and remaining fit for habitation for a period of at least fifteen years.
It is also conditional on the work being carried out at reasonable expense.
Several requests by tenants were dealt with, a few of which did not meet requirements
mentioned but 13 cases were approved and reported to the Housing Committee
for action under section 19.
Following the declaration and advertisement of the first improvement area, comprising
nearly 200 dwellings, under section 13 of the Housing Act, 1964, schedules
of improvement work and estimates of the cost were prepared for each tenanted
property. Towards the end of the year the Housing Committee gave authority for the
service of the preliminary notices for all these properties. In the case of the owner.
occupied houses in the area, which lack the standard amenities, the owner has been
asked to co-operate in having the necessary work done and was informed of the
possibility of grant aid in respect thereof.
Consideration is now being given to the declaration of further areas so that all
houses in the Borough capable of improvement to the five point standard can be
dealt with in due course.
Work in connection with applications for improvement grants resulted in the
approval of a total of 47 discretionary grants and 132 standard grants during the
year. As mentioned elsewhere a number of these grant applications arose from
house purchase loans but a few followed action, some informally, in connection
with multiple occupation.
During the year the remaining properties included in the Council's 1961/1965 clearance
programme were inspected and as a result reports were submitted to the Housing
Committee recommending the declaration of four areas comprising a total of 52
houses involving 65 families.
Following the declaration of an area and subsequent making of a Compulsory
Purchase Order by the former Deptford Borough Council a public inquiry was
held in May 1965. The order was subsequently confirmed by the Minister.
The clearance programme for the five years 1966/1970 was formulated and reported
to the Housing Committee in June 1965 prior to submission to the Minister.
Approximately 800 dwellings in 24 areas were recommended for inclusion in this
During the year 932 properties, which were the subject of applications to the Council
for house purchase loans, were surveyed and reported on by the health inspectors.
In many of these cases the carrying out of specified repairs and the provision of any
missing standard amenities for the dwelling were made a condition of the advance,
and this work was supervised and approved in order to make the premises "in all
respects fit for human habitation" as required by section 43 of the Housing (Financial
Provisions) Act, 1958 under which mortgage loans are made.
With regard to the provision of amenities, where the Council approved any lettings
in the property, the provision of separate facilities were also required for each letting
and in certain cases any necessary fire precaution work.