London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]

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Acts, regulations and orders 66
Anti-fly and anti-mosquito campaign
Area of borough 4
Atmospheric conditions 28
Atmospheric pollution 26
Bathing attendants 33
Births and birth rate 4
Boarding-out scheme for the
elderly 35
Cancer of lung 14
Care of the elderly 30
Clean Air Act 26
Clearance areas 45
Clubs for the elderly 32
Concerts for the elderly 34
Consumer Protection Act 39
Continental Goods Depot 54
Coronary disease 12
Deaths and death rate 4
Deaths, cause of 6
Discretionary grants and standard
grants 46
Disinfection and personal cleansing
Dog nuisances 23
Drainage work 23
Dysentery 60
Factories 39
Flies and mosquitos 19
Food, adulteration of 50
Food Hygiene Regulations 54
Food inspection and supervision 48
Food poisoning 63
Food premises—registration 54
General statistics from 1901 16
Hairdressers 39
Health education 19
Health Services, general provision
of 18
Heart disease 12
Heattreated milk 48
Holidays and holiday home 32
Home safety 25
House purchase loans 46
Building 44
Families rehoused 44
Housing Act, 1957 44
Icecream composition 49
Icecream grading 49
Immunisation 65
Infant mortality 4
Infant mortality analysis 8
Infectious diseases 56
Infectious disease visiting 58
Laboratory facilities 22
Legal proceedings 68
LCC (General Powers) Act, 1953,
section 43 19
Mass miniature radiography 63
Maternal deaths 5
Meals for the elderly 32
Measles 60
Milk, analysis of 48
Milk and Dairies Regulations 48
Milk, special designations 48
Mortuary and Coroner's Court 20
Moveable dwellings 47
National Assistance Act, 1948
s. 50 22
s. 47 23
Offensive trades 54
Old people 30
Outworkers 41
Paratyphoid B. fever 59
Pet animals 39
Pharmacy and Poisons 54
Pigeons 42
Pneumonia 60
Poliomyelitis 60
Population 4
Prevention of Damage by Pests 21
Rag flock etc. 42
Rateable value 4
Rent Act 46
Repairs carried out 38
Rodent control 20
Sampling 50
Sanitary circumstances of the area 37
Saville, The 30
Scarlet fever 60
Shops Act 54
Sickness, local 11
Slaughterhouses 54
Smoke nuisances 37
Social medicine statistics 10
Staff 2
Stillbirths 4
Swimming baths 22
Tuberculosis 60
Unsound food 54
Vaccination 65
Vital statistics 4
Water certificates 39
Water supply 23
Whooping cough 60
Workshop for the elderly 31