London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]

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National Assistance Act, 1948—section 47
Possible cases were investigated during the year and in none of
them was it necessary to apply for a compulsory order. (See also the
section on the Care of the Elderly).
Dog excreta nuisances
No proceedings were taken during the year, and no complaints
were received. Where a complaint is received it is the practice to exhibit
a byelaw notice at a convenient site nearby.
Drainage work
During the year 174 plans were submitted to the public health
inspectors for examination and approval.
Water supply
The Director of Water Examination of the Metropolitan Water
Board states that the water supply to the Borough is well water derived
from the Darenth, Deptford, Bexley and Wilmington wells, together
with River Thames derived filtered water.
There were no new sources of supply instituted by the Board
during 1963 nor were there any important extensions of trunk mains,
but 1,868 yards of service mains were laid in the Borough for local supply
Tables 17 and 18 give the average results of the chemical and
bacteriological analyses of the various supplies for 1963.