London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]

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Sydenham Infant Welfare Centre.
This Institution is situated in Adamsrill Road, Sydenham. It
is administered by a Voluntary Committee on which the Borough
Council is represented. Funds are obtained by donations and subscriptions,
and the Centre is also in receipt of a grant from the
Borough Council.
The Centre comprises clinics for infants and expectant mothers,
and for sunlight treatment. There are three wards, each containing
six beds, for the accommodation of children under 2 years of age,
who are suffering from malnutrition, and require special dietetic
treatment. In addition to these activities, provision is made for
district midwifery.
The Centre is staffed by an Honorary Medical Officer, an Antenatal
and Infant Welfare Medical Officer, a Superintendent, Midwife
and House-Matron, two Staff Nurses, two Junior Nurses, and seven
Probationers, the latter receiving training as children's nurses.
During the year, 149 expectant mothers attended the Ante-natal
Clinic, making in all 426 attendances. 115 of these patients were
subsequently attended in their confinement by the Centre Midwife.
Ninety-five children were admitted to the Hostel for in-patient
The Upper Sydenham Infant Welfare Centre, which is held at
the Park Hall, Sydenham Park, is a branch of the Sydenham Infant
Welfare Centre, whose Committee is responsible for its management.
Dental Treatment.
The Council's Scheme for Dental Treatment provides for
financial assistance to enable nursing and expectant mothers to
obtain artificial dentures, and for extractions and fillings required
by mothers and infants.
The work is now carried out by the Dental Department of the
St. John's Hospital, Lewisham.
During the year dental treatment was provided for 64 mothers
and 11 infants, and complete or partial dentures to 23 mothers were
authorised by the Maternity and Child Welfare Committee,