London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1970

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth Borough]

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Tuberculosis Incidence:
There was an increased incidence'of tuberculosis cases as compared with
the previous year. Of the 28 new cases notified 13 were of overseas racial origin
including 5 Jamaican, 6 Indians, 1 African and 1 Burmese. Both new nonrespiratory
cases were Indians suffering from glandular tuberculosis.
The majority of patients were given anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy at
home and where necessary the services of the district nurse were called upon to
give injections. A minority of patients suffering from severe infection and in need
of in-patient care and others with an inadequate social and domestic background
were admitted to hospital for an initial period of treatment. An average of five
tuberculosis beds were kept occupied in Dulwich Hospital during the year, and
of these 3 were occupied by patients admitted from the Council's Hostel for
tuberculous men at Knight's Hill House.
B.C.G. Vaccination:
The Chest Clinic service offers B.C.G. Vaccination against tuberculosis to
contacts at special risk and who have missed or are not old enough to qualify for
vaccination under the School Medical Service B.C.G. Scheme. During the year,
70 such vaccinations were performed at the Chest Clinic.
Home Visiting:
The Council provides the services of one full-time tuberculosis Health
Visitor with office accommodation at the Chest Clinic giving access to patients
records and facilities for discussion of case problems with the Chest Physician.