London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth Borough]

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During the year 15 complaints were received of nuisance from
smoke from factory shafts, but the main cause of atmospheric
pollution in Lambeth is the coalfire on the domestic hearth.
Coal in the past in this country has been so plentiful and so
cheap that it has been the custom to burn it to warm out homes
in the most wasteful and uneconomic fashion as could well be
devised and to build our houses with no particular care to prevent
the escape of warmth as making bigger fires was cheaper. The
resulting habits have made our city buildings and the air over
them such as can be found nowhere else in the world. Conditions
are not likely to improve while it is permissible to incorporate
the same out of date heating arrangements in new buildings.
Establishment Orders have been granted to two companies who
carry on the offensive trades respectively of (a) fellmonger
and (b) fatboiler.
(a) Messrs. Gaston Morrell, Ferndale Road.
(b) Messrs. Lepard, Wandsworth Road.
These two orders are renewable annually.
All plans are registered with the Borough Engineer but the
Sanitary Inspectors are responsible for seeing that the work is
carried out in accordance with the drainage by-laws. 43 plans
of new buildings and 108 plans of alteration to existing drains
were deposited. In addition combined drainage was carried out
in 13 cases of which 5 were cases of relaying defective combined
drains for which no order had been made by the Council and no
plans could be found, and which therefore were deemed to be
sewers repairable by the Council.
Applications were made accompanied by the statutory fee of
one shilling for the issue of 20 certificates enabling the
statutory tenant to withhold a portion of the rent and for the
issue of 11 determining certificates to cancel corresponding
enabling certificates previously issued.
Information was forwarded to the District Surveyor on 145
occasions during the year of the presence of structures which
were considered to be dangerous to life or limb.