London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth Borough]

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The total number of deaths registered in Lambeth during the
year is 3,703, of which 1,558 represents the deaths of strangers
which occurred mainly in the large hospitals and other institutions
in the district. The deaths of persons belonging to the Borough
which were registered in other districts numbered 1,471. The
number of deaths corrected, i.e., of all Lambethans who died both
within and outside the district is 3,616. The corrected death rate
is 13.06 per 1,000 living, based upon a population estimated to
the middle of the year of 273,800 and adjusted with the comparability
Age Periods of Corrected Deaths
The 3,616 corrected deaths during 1937 may be further analysed
and tabulated as follows :—
266 - - 7.36 per cent, of the total corrected deaths took
place under 1 year of age.
67 - - 1.85 per cent, between 1 and 5 years.
333 - - 9.21 per cent, under 5 years.
147 - - 4.07 per cent, between 5 and 25 years.
290 - - 8.02 per cent. 25 to 45 years.
982 - - 27.15 per cent. 45 to 65 years.
831 - - 22.98 per cent. 65 to 75 years.
1,033 - - 28.57 per cent. 75 years and over.
3,283 - - 90.79 per cent, over 5 years.