London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Islington 1961

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Islington Borough]

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Home Safety Act 1961
The above Act, which came into operation on 18th May, 1961, empowers the Councils of
County Districts and Metropolitan Boroughs to promote home safety by giving information and
advice on the prevention of accidents in the home, and to contribute to national and local
non profit making organisations whose activities include the promotion of home safety
Section 2 of the Act repeals section 2 of the London County Council (General Powers, Act,
1957, which empowered Metropolitan Boroughs to promote home safety activities, since the
power has now been restated nationally. It was under the 1957 Act that the Islington Home
Safety Committee was set up in 1958,
Islington Borough Home Safety Committee
Membership as at 31st December. 1961
Honorary President : His Worship the Mayor, Alderman L R Webster J.P.
Chairman : Alderman A. J. Rogers
Vice Chairman : Mr, J. Capsey
Honorary Secretary : Dr. V, Freeman
Councillor Mrs. A. Seeley Islington Borough Council - Estates Committee
Councillor Mrs. B. Stradling " " " - Housing Committee
Councillor H.J, Reid " " " - Public Health Committee
Dr. Wilfrid G Harding London County Council - Health Division 3
Mr. S R, Butcher " " " - Housing Department
Chief Officer's representative " " " - Fire Brigade
Mr I W Winchester, F. R,C. S. Archway Group Hospital Management Committee
Councillor Mrs. E E Bull, L.C.C. " " " " "
Mr. J., Capsey Northern Group Hospital Management Committee
Mr W.J. Palmer " " " " "
Dr. E Colin-Russ Local Medical Committee for the County of London
Miss D. E. Church Islington Old People's Welfare Council
Mr H.E.F. Heath North Thames Gas Board
Mr L. C. Atkins London Electricity Board
Mr D.J Cooper London Master Builders' Association
Mrs. A. Griffiths Islington Trades Council (1953)
Miss B. Naish Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents,
Four ordinary meetings of the Committee were held during the year. Three speakers were
invited to give talks on various aspects of accident prevention, and on one occasion, Members
of the Committee were invited to visit the Headquarters of the London Ambulance Service,
where a most interesting and informative demonstration of the work of the Accident Service
was arranged by the County Council's staff.