London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Islington 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Islington Borough]

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1937 98
During the year 1937 seven cases came to the knowledge of the Medical Officer
of Health, and six recovered. One died, the certified cause of death being given
as Dermatitis Exfoliativa Infantum.
The Islington Borough Council has an arrangement with the North London
Nursing Association for the attendance, by visitation, in cases of Ophthalmia
Neonatorum, Acute Primary Pneumonia, Acute Influenzal Pneumonia, Measles,
Whooping Cough and Epidemic Diarrhoea and Maternity complications.
Grants.—Payment is made to the Association at the rate of Is. 3d. per visit in
necessitous cases ; this amounted to:—
£ s. d.
For Maternity and Child Welfare Visits 37 17 6
For Public Health Visits 1518 9f
Total. £53 16 3
† Includes also nursing of pneumonia (adult).