London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough]

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Number of rooms disinfested of vermin105
Number of articles of bedding and clothing disinfested of vermin2,270

Summary of 3,479 articles of bedding and clothing dealt with during the year:—

Pillow Cases119
Bolster Cases10
Other Bedding101
Number of persons treated for scabies21
Number of persons treated for head lice1
Number of persons treated for body lice43
Number of persons treated for crab lice14
Number of persons cleansed265

Aged Persons
The National Assistance Acts, 1948 and 1951, provide that, where certified by the
Medical Officer of Health to be necessary for the purpose of securing the proper care
and attention for persons who
(a) are suffering from grave chronic disease or, being aged, infirm or physically
incapacitated, are living in insanitary conditions, and
(b) are unable to devote to themselves, and are not receiving from other persons,
proper care and attention,
a local authority may apply to a court of summary jurisdiction for an order to secure the
removal of such aged and infirm persons.
In only one instance during the year was action necessary under the above provision.
The case in question concerned an old man aged 75 years who was living alone in insanitary
conditions and was suffering from the effects of self-neglect and malnutrition. He was
removed to hospital and died there one month later.
Visits also were made in connection with the voluntary removal of aged and infirm
persons living alone, to hospitals or other places and in connection with the provision
for such persons of home nursing and home help facilities.
Burial of the Dead
Section 50 of the National Assistance Act, 1948, places upon the Borough Council
the responsibility of causing to be buried or cremated the body of any person who has
died in the area, or been found dead in the area, in any case where it appears that no
suitable arrangements for the disposal of the body are otherwise likely to be made. Such
cases are those of persons who die in poor circumstances, and, with few exceptions, have
no known relatives.
Hospital Management Committees and Boards of Governors of Teaching Hospitals
have been asked by the Minister to exercise their powers to arrange and pay for the burial
or cremation of such persons dying in hospital. This Circular does not apply to voluntary
hospitals, of which there are two in the Borough, namely the French Hospital, Shaftesbury
Avenue, and the Italian Hospital, Queen Square.