London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1954

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough]

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These figures approximate closely to those of the previous ten years, averages of which are tabulated below:—

Year.No. of Samples examined.Total Solids (average).Non-fatty Solids (average).Fat (average).

Milk (Special Designations) Regulations.
A person proposing to use a special designation authorised by the Regulations is
required to apply to the licensing authority of the area in which the milk is to be sold,
for a licence to use the designation. Upon being satisfied that the relevant provisions
of the Regulations are complied with; a Licensing Authority grant a dealer's licence to a
distributor in respect of each of his premises within their area rrom which the designated
milk is to be sold. Where a distributon holding a dealer's licence to use a special designation
in respect of milk sold from premises in one area, wishes to sell milk within the area of
another Licensing Authority, the latter authority may issue a dealer's supplementary
licence authorising the use of the designation in their area.

During the year 186 licences were issued, details of which are as follows:—

Dealer's Licences.Dealer's Supplementary Licences.
To sell Tuberculin Tested milk3222
To sell Accredited milk
To sell Pasteurised milk4923
To sell Sterilised milk3723

Milk — Bacteriological Examination.
During the vear, 96 samples of milk were submitted for bacteriological examination,
23 of these were from milk supplied to schools in the Borough and four to a Day