London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1953

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough]

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The following is a summary of the work carried out during the year as a result of Notices served under the Food and Drugs Acts, 1938-1950, in respect of food premises:

Accumulation of rubbish removed2
Precautions taken to ensure that cleanliness was observed by persons employed in regard to food room, articles, apparatus and utensils2
Precautions taken to prevent accumulation of refuse2
Siting of sanitary convenience improved2
Suitable provision made for the cleansing of utensils and apparatus2
Suitable provision made for the cleansing of vegetables4
Suitable and sufficient means of ventilation provided and maintained14
Suitable wash basins, soap, clean towels and clean hot and cold water pro-vided for use of employees13
Walls, ceilings, floors or doors of food room cleansed24
Walls, ceilings, floors, windows or doors of food room repaired22

Public Health (London) Act, 1936. Notices. Fourteen notices were served during the year under the above Act in respect of nuisances found to exist at food premises in the Borough. As a result of notices the following nuisances in food premises were abated during the year: —

Water closets.
Defective sinks renewed8
Waste pipes repaired or renewed1
Kitchen floor repaired or renewed1

The Milk and Dairies Regulations require every Local Authority to keep a register
oof all persons carrying on the trade of distributor in their district and of all premises
which are used as dairies. "Dairy" does not include a shop from which milk is supplied
oonly in the properly closed and unopened vessels in which it is delivered to the shop, or