London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1953

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough]

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Ophthalmia Neonatorum.
Three cases were notified and were treated in hospital.
Pneumonia (Acute Primary and Acute Influenzal).
Four cases were notified, and two were removed to hospital.
Seventeen cases were notified, all of which were removed to hospital. Only two of
these cases were Holborn residents. One case removed to hospital was subsequently re
diagnosed as upper respiratory tract infection.
Puerperal Pyrexia.
No cases were notified during the year.
Six cases were notified, all of which were treated at home.
Scarlet Fever.
Ten cases were notified, and three of them were removed to hospital. One case
removed to hospital was subsequently re-diagnosed as allergic reaction.
In March a ship arrived at Southampton from Bombay having had a case of smallpox
on board. The patient had been removed to hospital at Gibraltar. Twenty-one passengers
presumed to be contacts were kept under observation for a period of sixteen days.
Also in March ten persons believed to have been contacts of cases in the Todmor
den outbreak were kept under observation for a period of sixteen days.
See page 51.
Whooping Cough.
Sixty-two cases were notified, ten of which were removed to hospital.

Other Diseases coming to the notice of the Department.

Disease.No. of Cases.No. removed to Hospital.
Abortion, incomplete22
Abortion, septic22
Acute coryza11
Acute febrile catarrh22
Acute peritonsillar abscess11
Cervical adenitis11
Chicken pox6411
Diarrhoea and vomiting11
Focal sepsis (rt. foot)11
German measles77
Glandular fever22
Infective hepatitis22
Pyrexia of unknown origin11
Toxic erythema11