London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1948

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough]

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Child Guidance Clinic.
The Child Guidance Clinic continued as an integral part of the Centre.
Most of the cases were referred from the Clinic by the Medical Officers of the
Maternity and Child Welfare Centres. During the period 1st Januaryy to 4th
July, 1948, 50 sessions were held.
The total number of cases dealt with was 52. Of this number, there were
22 girls and 30 boys, of whom 13 were under 1 year of age.

The main complaints dealt with were as follows (this number is greater than 52 as each child is listed under its outstanding symptoms):—

Feeding difficulties5
Persistent undesirable habits15
Excitable nervous difficulties11
Sleeping difficulties7
Specific fears and phobias3
Difficult over toilet training7
Mother generally anxious1

On 4th July, 1948, the number of cases completed was 16, and the number
outstanding was 36.
Diphtheria Immunization.
The immunization of children against diphtheria is carried out at the
Welfare Centre, and the Medical Officer attends at the Kingsway Creche for the
same purpose. During the half-year, 103 children were recorded as immunized.
Home and Domestic Help Service.
This Council's Home Helps attended 14 cases during the half-year, and the
Domestic Helps attended 71 cases. The majority of the applicants were required
to contribute towards the cost in accordance with the scale recommended by
the Metropolitan Boroughs' Standing Joint Committee. At 4th July, 1948,
8 Home and Domestic Helps were employed. These services are filling a much
felt the Borough and are fully appreciated.
Day Nursery.
The Day Nursery at Clark's Buildings, opened in 1947 as a temporary
nursery for children displaced by the closing down of the Nursery at the Field
Lane Institution, continued to function satisfactorily, but was not large enough
to cope with the demand for day nursery accommodation. Efforts were made
during the half-year to obtain other premises suitable for a permanent nursery,
but with little success. It proved to be impossible to make any such
Convalescent Treatment.
During the half-year two mothers, one with her baby, were sent to convalescent