London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough.

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set out on a form supplied by the London County Council and is intended for the
use of the School Medical Officer when examining school entrants.
Notice of attendance at school has brought to our knowledge families hitherto
unknown to us, having recently entered the Borough. This knowledge has been
very useful in connection with Maternity and Child Welfare Work generally.
During 1938 information was received of 18 stillbirths, of which 15 were
Enquiry as to possible causes was made in fourteen cases, and in two cases
no information was obtainable.
In eleven instances the confinement took place in hospital, four at home,
and in three no information was obtainable.
Difficult labour was responsible for four stillbirths, of these, one was
a hydrocephatic child; one due to prolapse of cord and one to breech presentation;
in one the cause was not ascertainable.
Four were due to albuminuria, one to prematurity, in three no definite reason
could be assigned, in five others no information was obtainable, the mother not
having returned to the address given on admission to hospital.
Illegitimate Children.
The births of 37 illegitimate children were registered.
Dental Treatment.

The following is a summary of the work during 1938 at the Council's Dental Clinic, No. 10, John Street, open on Monday afternoons for nursing or expectant mothers, and children under five years of age:—

Number of sessions held484848
Number of new Patients6145106
Total attendances30282384
With local anaesthetic35(48)35(48)
With general anaesthetic41(223)32(117)73(340)
Dentures (including repairs)9595
Gum treatments5-5

The figures in brackets relate to the number of teeth extracted.
In two cases where the patients were very poor the dentures were provided
free of charge; contributions towards the cost were required in all other cases and
in ten instances the patients were required to pay the whole cost.