London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough.

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Public Health (Meat) Regulations, 1924. The following summary shows the number of butchers' shops and meat stalls in the Borough, and the number of other shops where meat is sold:-

Butchers' shops28
Butchers' stalls3
Provision dealers36
Provision dealers' stalls3
Offal shops2
Cooked meats21
Wholesale (bacon; sausage)4

All the butchers' shops and meat stalls in the Borough are regularly inspected
to ensure compliance with the Regulations; during the year 266 such inspections
were made.
Places where Food Is prepared for Sale.
Under this head are included kitchens of hotels, restaurants, and eating-houses
of all sorts, slaughter-houses, tripe, offal and other meat shops, fried fish, eel and
other fish shops, premises where ice cream is made, and other places where food
is prepared for sale excluding bakehouses.

The number of such places on the register at the end of the year was as follows:—

Hotels, Restaurants and Eating Houses437
Tripe, offal and other meat shops51
Fried fish shops14
Fish shops10
Ice cream (Manufacture)9

During the year 1,662 inspections of such food premises and market streets
were made and 72 notices served for sanitary defects found.
Inspection of Restaurant Kitchens.
The large day population in the Borough calls for many eating houses ranging
from the "cook shop" to the high-class restaurant. The inspection of the
kitchens of such places has become a routine but important part of the work of
the Public Health Department. Generally the kitchens are found to be
satisfactory and the food clean and wholesome. Occasionally, however, some
action is necessary to ensure compliance with a reasonable standard of efficiency.