London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough.

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for periods of not less than one hour. Nine complaints were received of nuisances
from the emission of smoke.
The use of unsatisfactory coal is the common cause of smoke nuisance;
such use sometimes arises when attempts are made to effect economy in running
plant. Usually a visit by the Inspector or a letter from the Medical Officer of
Health secures immediate abatement of the nuisance.
In accordance with its powers under the Public Health (London) Act, 1936,
the Council made a small contribution towards the cost of the work for smoke
abatement carried on by the National Smoke Abatement Society.
Inspection of Workshops, etc.
The routine inspection of factories, workshops and workplaces has been carried
out during the year. 380 factories were inspected, 264 workshops and 1,440
It is found that changes frequently occur in the occupation of workshops. To
obtain information of such changes and further details of industrial conditions in the
Borough a large number of visits and inspections were made in addition to the routine
inspections mentioned above. As the result of these visits 60 premises no longer used
for the purpose for which they had been registered were removed from the register of
workshops. In some cases; owing to the introduction of machinery, former"workshops"
had become "factories" and the necessary transfer to the factory register was effected.
Variations in the staff employed were also frequently reported. During the year 35
workshops were added to the register.
At the end of the year there were 605 workshops on the register.
366 employed men only,
40 employed women only, and
199 employed both men and women.
The number of employees is often very small and many of the workshops are in
tenement houses (houses let in lodgings).

No fewer than loo different industries are carried on in these workshops, among the principal being the following :—

No. of Workshops Employing
Men only.Women only.Both Sexes.Total.
Boot makers and repairers111214
Clock and watch makers17_219
Dressmakers and ladies' tailors-112132
Diamond mounters8_19
Glass blowers8_210
Leather goods makers5_-38