London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough.

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The following table shows the nuisances for which the 44 Statutory Notices were issued under the Public Health (London) Act, 1936 : —

Houses.Factories, etc
Section 82 (1)—
(a) Dirty, dilapidated, damp premises, ctc.102
(b) W.C.'s, drains, etc.311
(c) Accumulation of refuse48
(d) Overcrowding
Section 95—Water supply1
Section 104—Waterclosets, dirty, defective, etc.410
Section 105—Ashbins4
Section 105—W.C., provision of11
Section 106—W. C. accommodation for sexes-2
Section 107—Receptacles for dung
Section 128—Nuisance from Factories, etc._

By-Laws as to Houses let-in-lodgings.
At the end of the year, 358 houses were registered under these By-laws. Of
these, 143 were wholly or partly decontrolled under the Rent Acts at the end of
There were 685 inspections of these premises, excluding a large number of
periodical inspections and re-inspections. 68 notices were served for breaches
of the By-laws, in addition to 393 notices that were served for annual cleansing as
required by the By-laws.
Rag and Bone Dealers.
On inspection of rag and bone shops made in the year 1938, no breach was
found of the By-laws made by the London County Council for regulating the
conduct of this business.
Rats and Mice (Destruction) Act, 1919.
During the year, under the provisions of the above Act, 243 separate premises
were inspected, ranging from small dwelling houses to large blocks of offices and
business premises.