London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1954

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hampstead Borough]

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Defects Found

ParticularsNumber of cases in which defects were found
FoundRemediedReferred to H.M. Inspector
Want of cleanliness (S.l)65-
Overcrowding (S.2)---
Unreasonable temperature (S.3)---
Inadequate ventilation (S.4)22-
Ineffective drainage of floors (S.6)---
Sanitary conveniences (S.7)---
(a) Insufficient——-
(b) Unsuitable or defective32—
(c) Not separate for sexes---
Other offences against the Act (not including offences relating to outworkers)111

During 1954 no prosecution was instituted under the
Factories Acts, 1937 and 1948 with regard to factories.
In accordance with the Factories Act, 1937, 21 Hampstead
firms sent in lists of persons employed as home workers. Of
the 198 persons so employed 48 only resided in the HampS'ead
area. Information concerning 97 outworkers resident in Hampstead
but employed by firms outside the Borough was received from
other authorities.
During the year, 113 applications for the renewal of
poisons licences were granted. In 6 instances new licences
were issued and 5 firms were removed from the Register.