London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1942

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hampstead Borough]

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The causes of death, arranged under the headings of the short
list used by the Registrar-General, were as follows :—
1. Typhoid and paratyphoid
fevers —
2. Cerebro-spinal fever 1
3. Scarlet fever —
4. Whooping cough —
5. Diphtheria 1
6. Tuberculosis of the respiratory
system 43
7. Other forms of tuberculosis 8
8. Syphilitic disease 9
9. Influenza 5
10. Measles . 2
11. Acute polio-myelitis and
polio-encephalitis —
12. Acute infective encephalitis —
13. Cancer of buccal cavity
and oesophagus (m)
uterus (f) 10
14. Cancer of stomach and
duodenum 17 / 147
15. Cancer of breas 26|
16. Cancer of all other
sites 94
17. Diabetes 13
18. Intra cranial vascular
lesions 70
19. Heart disease 244
20. Other diseases of circulatory
system 35
21. Bronchitis 55
22. Pneumonia 35
23. Other respiratory diseases 8
24. Ulcer of stomach or duodenum
25. Diarrhoea (under 2 years) 6
26. Appendicitis 6
27. Other digestive diseases 24
28. Nephritis 22
29. Puerperal and post-abortion
sepsis 1
30. Other maternal causes 4
31. Premature birth 15
32. Congenital malformations,
birth injuries, infantile
diseases 9
33. Suicide 12
34. Road traffic accidents 8
35. Other violent causes 39
36. All other causes 66
Total 901
Maternity and Child Welfare.
Health Visitors and Home Visits.
The four full-time and one part-time Health Visitors paid 12,716
visits during the year. In addition the Health Visitors made 1,068
attendances at Clinics and Centres during the year.
Infant Welfare Centres.
Up to the outbreak of war there were 6 Infant Welfare Clinics in
the Borough holding 9 sessions weekly. At the end of 1942 there were
4 Clinics holding 8 sessions weekly. Social and Sewing Clubs are also
attached to each Centre and these are being well patronised by the
Name and address
of Centre.
Day and time
Doctor in
Health Visitor.
Children's Hospital, College
Crescent, N.W.3.
Monday 10—12 noon
Monday 2—4 p.m.
Monday 2—4.30 p.m.
(Social and Sewing
Dr. C. Meade
Miss Riley.
Miss Riley.
Health Institute, Kingsgate
Road, N.W.6.
Tuesday 1.30—4
Wednesday 1.30—4
Dr. C. Meade
Dr. M. Yule
Miss Evans.
Miss Evans.