London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hampstead Borough]

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vessels. No case arose during the year necessitating action to be
taken under these Regulations.
Tuberculosis Care Committee.
The Rorough Council makes a grant of £100 per annum towards
the administrative expenses of the voluntary Care Committee, and is
represented upon it by Mr. Alderman H. Baily, M.B.E., Councillor
Mrs. M. F. Dow, M.A., and Councillor Mrs. C. E. Samuel, M.A.,
The Committee, through its Secretary, Miss Talbot Kelly, keeps
in touch with the families of patients who are receiving institutional
treatment, and their conditions and prospects receive consideration
upon discharge.

Details of the work carried out by the Committee during the year are tabulated below :—

Cases reviewed249
New cases (included in above) ...97
Interviews with patients by Care Committee Secretary :—
(a) At homes of patients95
(b) Otherwise820
Cases referred to the Hampstead Borough Council:—
(a) For extra nourishment21
(b) For dental treatment7
Cases referred to the Public Assistance Com-mittee28
Cases referred to Service Funds9
Cases referred to Voluntary Associations15
Cases referred to other Agencies13
Cases helped directly through the Care Com-mittee:—
(a) In cash41
(b) In clothing16

Provision of Extra Nourishment.
The Council has voted the sum of £65 for the purpose of providing
extra nourishment (milk, eggs and butter) to the classes of