London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hampstead Borough]

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the use of the Furnace for destroying bedding, etc., situated in one of
the buildings at the rear of the main structure of the Station. During
1934 the chimney became seriously cracked and had to be demolished.
The Public Health Committee, therefore, decided to convert into an
incinerator a small building formerly used in connection with the old
Cleansing Station in the Electricity Yard. This improvement was
effected during the year and the new incinerator was brought into use
on 15th January, 1936.
The Public Health Station is equipped with a Washington-Lyons
disinfecting apparatus, and is staffed by three men, one of whom, the
Senior Disinfector, is the Resident Caretaker of the Station. Two
Motor Vans are employed in the collection of infected or infested
material and its subsequent return.

The following is a record of the work carried out by the Disinfecting Staff during 1935:—

Number of houses or parts of houses and contents disinfected1,236
„ verminous rooms disinfested34
„ „ articles of clothing disinfested*69
„ „ beds disinfested77
persons accommodated at Shelter-

*Excluding the clothing of persons dealt with at the Bathing Station.
Cleansing and Disinfection of Verminous Persons and their
Cleansing of Persons Act, 1897, Children Act, 1908 (Sec. 122),
London County Council (General Powers) Acts. 1922 and 1928.

The following cleansings and medicinal baths were carried out at the Bathing Station, which forms part of the Public Health Station, during the year:—

Verminous conditions.