London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hammersmith Borough]

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Water Supply.
The Metropolitan Water Board is responsible for the water
supply of the Borough and no complaints with regard to the
condition of the water were received during the year.
91 certificates were granted under Section 95 (2) of the Public
Health (London) Act, 1936, with regard to newly erected houses
and flats having a proper and sufficient water supply.

Public Cleansing. The Borough Engineer and Surveyor, who is responsible for supervising the collection, removal and disposal of refuse, has kindly furnished the following information with regard to this service.

Amount of house refuse collected—House Refuse24,797
during the year 1952 (includ—Salvage391
ing salvage and kitchen waste)—Kitchen Waste3,444

Method of disposal By barge from Hammersmith to
Mucking (River Thames).
Controlled tipping at Mucking
on reclaimed land.
By Contractor.
Frequency of collection House refuse collected weekly.
(Trade refuse by arrangement,
as required).
The bye-laws made by the London County Council under
the Metropolis Management Acts with regard to drainage, and
also those under the Public Health (London) Act relating to water
closets, etc., are enforced by the Council.
During the year 120 drainage plans (12 combined drainage)
were submitted and approved, and a total of 2,409 inspections
were made in connection with supervision of drainage works.
In one case drainage work was carried out under Section 40
of the Public Health (London) Act, 1936, by the Borough
Engineer and Surveyor's Department, in default of the owner.