London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1945

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hammersmith Borough]

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Schedule of Attendances at Infant Welfare Centres
and Ante-Natal Clinics.

Address of Clinic.No. of ClinicsNew Cases.Total, Attendances.
Antenatal.Postnatal.Under 1 yr.Over 1 yr.Ante-nata 1.Postnatal.Under 1 yr.Over 1 yr.
48, Glenthorne Rd.150__3881334,5862,568
Becklow Gardens2515991379,2124,027
Milson Road150__307654,7062,627
Old Oak, Westway152__23825_4,6432,095
Latimer Road509971,445699
College Park523611807488
Ante-natal Clinics, Number of Sessions held 588 Infant Consultations, ,, ,, ,, ,, 805 1,393

The average attendance at Infant Welfare Centres = 47.
During the year 232 cases received massage treatment,
the total number of treatments being 1,855.
Milk for Expectant Mothers and Children.—"During the
year the scheme by which the Council provide free one
pint of milk a day for all expectant mothers and children
under five where the family income does not exceed 10s. Od.
more than the scale of the Ministry of Food entitling them
to free milk was continued.
13,755 quarts of liquid milk and 3,908 packets of dried
milk were supplied under the scheme during the year.
Dinners.—Free dinners are supplied by the Council to
expectant mothers and children under five recommended
by the Assistant Medical Officers through the Londoners'
Meals Service at Communal Dining Centres in the Borough.