London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hammersmith Borough]

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PART II. Supplemental Return. New cases of Tuberculosis coming to the knowledge of the Medical Officer of Health during the above-mentioned period, otherwise than by formal notification.

Age Periods0-1-5-10-15-20-25-35-45-55-65-Total
Pulmonary Males-11-141261127
Pulmonary Females37102-224
Non-pulmonary Males132111-9
Non-pulmonary Females-11----2

No. of Cases
Source of Information
Pulmonary pulmonary
from local Registrars 4 1
Death Returns transferable deaths from
Registrar General 3 —
Posthumous notifications 7 6
" Transfers " from other areas (other than
transferable deaths) 37 4
Other Sources, if any — -

PART III. Notification Register.

PulmonaryNon-pulmonaryTotal Cases
Number of cases of Tuberculosis remaining at the 31st December, 1933, on the Registers of Notifications4043237271441853291,056
Number of cases removed from the Register(s) during the year by reason, inter alia, of:—
1. Withdrawal of notification___
2. Recovery from the disease10112113112445
3. Death846014411516160