London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1931

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hammersmith Borough]

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House to House.—As a result of the house to house
visitation 2,247 inspections were made, 1,967 notices
served, and 1,485 complied with.
The special house-to-house inspection of certain streets
in the borough continued throughout the year. The two
temporary Sanitary Inspectors inspected 2,247 houses.
This work has not proceeded as quickly as it was anticipated
owing to the resignation of the two Inspectors
appointed, and the consequent periods which elapsed
before the appointment of their successors.
In order to facilitate the inspection of the houses
scheduled by the Council for house-to-house inspection,
arrangements were made for the notices to be followed
up by the District Sanitary Inspectors.
In many instances overcrowding and the illegal occupation
of underground rooms was observed and dealt
Smoke Abatement.—During the year observations were
kept in reference to black smoke emitted from the various
factories, laundries, bakehouses, &c., situate in and
adjoining the Borough. Twenty-five Intimation Notices
were served. No summons was taken out.
Reports were submitted to the Public Health Committee
in reference to the observations made as regards
the following:—
Swan Laundry, Blythe Road.
H.B.C. Electricity Works, Fulham Palace Road.
Kensington Palace Laundry, Spring Vale Terrace.
Victoria Laundry, 10, Great Church Lane.
84, Shepherd's Bush Road.
134, Shepherd's Bush Road.
Ice Drome, Brook Green Road.
Balmoral Laundry, Becklow Road.
Lome House Laundry, Becklow Road.
98, Goldhawk Road.
Roesiters Laundry, Becklow Road.
Nazareth House, Hammersmith Road.
Manbre & Garton, Winslow Road.
12, Goldhawk Road.
124, Askew Road.
J. Alexander & Son, Shepherd's Bush Market.
Popular Fisheries, Fulham Palace Road.
Shepherd's Bush Pavilion, Shepherd's Bush Green.
Post Office, Blythe Road.