London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1931

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hammersmith Borough]

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Special appointments are held daily to suit the convenience
of those who cannot attend at the stated hours
and in cases where the consultation is likely to be a
lengthy one.
On 1st January, 1981, the number of patients on the
Dispensary Register was 905.
During the year 36 definite cases of the disease were
transferred from other areas into the Hammersmith
district and 191 moved out of this district or were lost
sight of. Seventy-five were written off the register as
being cured cases who had previously been notified as
suffering with tuberculosis.
New Patients.
During the year 660 persons attended for examination
for the first time. Of these 214 were under the age of
fifteen and 446 were adults. Males and females attended
in almost equal numbers, viz., 311 and 849.
Of the total 176 were referred to the Dispensary by
local practitioners for the purpose of consultation and 199
were " contacts " of persons suffering with Tuberculosis.
Patients attended the Dispensary on the recommendation
of other patients, at the request of various voluntary
societies, after discharge from hospitals and sanatoria, on
the advice of general practitioners practising in the Borough
or on their own initiative.
Found to have Pulmonary Tuberculosis 128
Found to have other forms of Tuberculosis 44
Showing no evidence of Tuberculosis 488