London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1961

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]

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The following foods were rejected at the wharves:—

Mutton and Lamb1,092 lbs.
Beef1,040 „
Beef, Chilled184,734 „
Veal54 „
Sheep's Kidneys561 „
Sheep's Livers61 „
Lambs' Hearts2,014 „
Sweetbreads11 „
Pigs' Heads92 „
189,659 lbs.

Canned and Other Foods—

Foods, Various (Canned)3,245 „
Cooked Meats (Canned)1,495 „
Lemon Juice36,000 „
40,730 lbs.
230,389 lbs.

Caseous Lymphadenitis. This disease, sometimes called
"pseudo-tuberculosis" occurs mainly in sheep although it is
occasionally found in cattle, rabbits and chickens. It is met
usually in imported sheep carcases and is often the cause of meat
being rejected as unfit for human consumption. It follows,
therefore that much time and attention is given by the Food
Inspectors to this disease during their inspections at the wharves
and cold storage plants in the Borough.
Results of examinations for caseous lymphadenitis are given
Landed Examined Rejected Weight
New Zealand Sheep 54,273 532 Nil —
Bechuanaland Boneless Beef.—In January of the current year
a consignment of 2,979 cartons of this commodity was received into
one of the Cold Stores in the Borough and. of the 296 samples taken,
59 (approx. 20%) were positive for Salmonellae. Of the 7 strains
isolated, 6 had already been encountered but one strain was completely
new and this was subsequently named Lobatsi (after the
abbatoir in Bechuanaland).
As a result of these bacteriological examinations, representations
were made to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food