London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]

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The Registrar General has submitted his estimate of the population
of Greenwich, computed at mid-year 1955, upon which the
Statistics of this Report have been based. The figure returned is
89,490 indicating a decrease in the population of 1,110 since last
year and 356 since the 1951 Census. The current figure shows an
advance of 25,690 over that for 1945.
The natural increase for the year, i.e., excess of births over
deaths was 482.
After considering a natural increase of almost 500, plus the fact
that practically no slum clearance had been undertaken in the area
during the year, a decrease of l¾% in the population seemed considerable
and was somewhat unexpected.
Correspondence with the Registrar General on this decrease
elicited the information that a reduction of over 300 non-civilians
stationed in the area had been reported and further, that information
supplied to him by the London County Council, the New Town
Development Corporations and local authorities in the Home
Counties indicated a substantial movement of people out of Greenwich.