London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]

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Scabies.—This disease continues to be notifiable under the
County of London (Scabies) Regulations, 1943, and during the year
5 cases were so notified. In one instance the diagnosis was not
confirmed and the final total of 4 compares with 5 for the previous
Treatment of all cases of scabies is carried out at the Tunnel
Avenue Centre.
Puerperal Pyrexia.—Compared with 9 in 1950, and 4 in
1949, 10 cases were attributed to this disease during the year under
review. All patients received hospital treatment. There was one
Ophthalmia Neonatorum.—One notification was received
in respect of this disease. The case, which occurred in East
Greenwich, was treated at home and kept under observation by
the Health Visitor until full recovery.
Meningococcal Infection.—Diagnosis of the only case
notified was not upheld. One case occurred in the previous year.
Acute Encephalitis. (Infective or Post-infectious).—One
notification under the sub-heading 'Infective' was received
during the current year. The case received hospital treatment and
made a complete recovery.
Poliomyelitis.—In complete contrast to the previous year
when 23 confirmed cases occurred, no notifications were recorded
in respect of this disease. Following the previous outbreak in
1947, in which there were 16 cases, figures for the years 1948 and
1949 were 5 and 4 respectively.
Continued Fever.—No notifications were received in respect
of this disease.
Malaria.—One notification, a case of induced Malaria, was
received during the year under review.
Disinfection.—The disinfection of rooms is effected by the
formaldehyde spray. This is carried out on removal of the infectious
case or termination of the illness and, on request, for conditions
other than notifiable. In cases of request a charge is made according
to circumstances. Bedding and wearing apparel may be removed
to the Disinfecting Station, Tunnel Avenue, where they can be
submitted to steam disinfection. Books may be treated with
The following Return shows in detail the work carried out
during the year:—