London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green Borough]

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Cornwall AvenueHereford Street
Sessions per week52
Doctors' attendances per week83

The statistics of attendances at the Centres during 1938, and in previous years are as follows:—

Cornwall AvenueHereford StreetTotal
Babies (0—1): First attendances7583091,067
Subsequent „7,1273,12810,255
Children (1—5): First „15361214
Subsequent „5,5322,3707,902
Toddlers Clinic attendances6868
Total „13,6385,86819,506

The figures show a continued increase in the
number of older children attending the centres, the
total attendances rising from 6,626 in 1936 to 7,472
in 1937 and 8,182 in 1938.

The numbers of consultations on children seen by the doctors were as follows:—

Cornwall AvenueHereford StreetTotal
Babies (0—1)3,9611,8475,808
Children (1—5)3,6701,5265,196
1937*. 1936*. 1935*. 1934*. 1933*. 1932*.
Total Attendances 17,292 16,479 16,612 16,195 17,632 18,668
New Cases 1,130 1,100 1,172 1,528 1,466 1,510
Medical Consultations 10,094 9,603 9,328 9,025 9,969 10,462
*Including Toddlers' Inspections.