London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green Borough]

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The indoor (clinic) work of the Health Visitors is shown in the following figures:—

Sessions attended
Maternity Clinics115
Children's Clinics1,322
Dental Clinic154
Light Clinic188
Mothers' Clinic104
Other Clinics264

The Council's Health Visitors assist the midwifery
department of the London and other Hospitals by
reporting on the home conditions and preparations
of expectant mothers who have booked with these
hospitals for midwifery services. Liaison also exists
with the L.C.C. School Medical Service, our child
welfare records being transferred to the Divisional
Medical Officer as the children either enter school
or attain the age of 5.
At the Council's principal Centre in Cornwall
Avenue, there are 2 morning sessions and 3 afternoon
sessions for infant consultations, and 2 sessions in
connection with the Maternity Clinic each week.
Other work carried on at the Centre, in connection
with the Special Clinic for Delicatc Children, light
and inhalation therapy, massage, milk grants, etc.,
will be found reported on under these separate