London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green Borough]

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No. of Sample in Food casesDateOffence or OccasionResult
11712th Apl.Selling chocolate roll which did not contain any cocoa or chocolate matterFine £5 0s. 0d. Costs £5 5s. 0d.
10713th Apl.Selling chocolate roll which did not contain any cocoa or chocolate matterNo fine Costs 2s. 0d.
13226th Apl.Selling chocolate roll which did not contain any cocoa or chocolate matterFine £15 0s. 0d. Costs £5 5s. 0d.
14327th Apl.Selling milk which contained 3.5% added waterNo fine Costs £4 4s. 0d.
17010th MaySelling chocolate roll which did not contain any cocoa or chocolate matterFine £5 0s. 0d. Costs £5 0s. 0d.
Byelaws under P.H. (London) Act
28th JuneExchanging toys for rags and bonesFine 5s. 0d.
28th JuneExchanging toys for rags and bonesFine 5s. 0d.
Food and Drugs Act
34417th Aug.Selling malt vinegar 75% deficient in acetic acidFine £5 0s. 0d. Costs £5 5s. 0d.
42220th Sept.Selling milk deficient in fat to extent of 20%No fine Costs £3 3s. 0d.
44327th Sept.Delivering in pursuance of contract of sale milk found to be 6.6% deficient in fatNo fine Costs £6 6s. 0d.
Public Health (London) Act
4th Oct.Depositing for sale 20 lb. of unsound BlackcurrantsFine £2 0s. 0d. Costs £3 0s. 0d.
11th Oct.Having deposited for sale about 39¾ lbs. of unsound meatDismissed
11th Oct.Failing to observe due cleanliness in part of building in which food for human consumption was deposited (21.6.38)Fine £2 0s. 0d. Costs £5 5s. 0d.
11th Oct.Failing to observe due cleanliness in part of building in which food for human consumption was deposited (28.6.38)Dismissed Costs 2s. 0d.
24th Oct.Application for order for removal of aged and infirm personRemoval order granted
Food and Drugs Act
4821st Nov.Selling table jelly containing benzoic acid, an added preservativeDismissed Costs 2s. 0d.
4851st Nov.Exposing for sale by retail unlabelled parcel of margarineNo fine Costs £3 3s. 0d.