London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green Borough]

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The remaining two lectures and film displays of
the 1935-36 series were held on the 29th January and
4th February, the first being for men (chairman,
Councillor A. G. Turpin, lecturer Dr. R. Forgan)
and the second for women (chairman, Councillor
Mrs. M. S. Bridger, lecturer, Dr. Rose Turner).
Both meetings were well attended and as usual the
questions showed an intelligent appreciation of the
subjects dealt with.
The Public Health Committee has continued the
arrangement with the Public Libraries Committee
to take advertisement space on the book marks
published by the latter. This space is used to give
publicity to various aspects of maternity and child
welfare and other public health services.