London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1932

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green Borough]

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For Children Under Five.
The Council has a Welfare Centre in Cornwall
Road (also a Branch Centre at St. Matthew's Institute,
Hereford Street) at which a variety of work, including
Infant Consultations, Dental Clinic, Light Clinic, etc.,
is carried on. This work is commented on in the
Maternity and Child Welfare Section of this Report.
For School Children.
These are conducted by the London County
By the courtesy of Sir. F. N. Kay Menzies, School
Medical Officer, L.C.C., I have been furnished with the
following information concerning local arrangements
for the medical treatment of school children.
"The school treatment centre in the Borough is situated
at the St. James-the-Less Dispensary, St. James's Road,
Bethnal Green. At this centre special departments are
arranged for the treatment of eye (refraction) cases, dental
cases and for children suffering from minor ailments.
"The ophthalmic surgeon attends the centre on one
session a week and during the year 475 children were treated.
Spectacles were prescribed in 277 cases and in 230 cases
spectacles were obtained.
"The dentist visits the centre on eleven sessions a
fortnight, and the schools on one session a fortnight, to
inspect the children's mouths. During the year 2,241
children were inspected in the schools and 1,847 or 82.4
per cent, were found to require treatment. The percentage
for the preceding years were 71.9 and 60.3. The number
of children treated at the centre was 1,384 and 2,872
attendances were made.
" In the minor ailments department the doctor attends
on five sessions a fortnight, and a nurse is daily in attendance.
During 1932, the number of children treated was
2,037, and 27,398 attendances were made."
There are two Day Nurseries in the Borough, both
belonging to voluntary societies:—
(i) Bethnal Green Day Nursery, Somerford Street.
(ii) Pro Patria Day Nursery, Bishops Road.