London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1931

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green Borough]

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(In addition to the prosecutions for offences under
the Food and Drugs Acts reported on pages 89-90).
In 46 cases summonses for non-compliance with
Statutory Notices served under the Public Health (London)
Act, requiring the abatement of nuisances were
withdrawn, upon the specified works being done and
costs being paid to the Council, as follows:—
Cases. Costs in each Case.
3 £0 10 6 .
41 £110
1 £2 2 0
1 Nil.
In 17 other cases Nuisance Orders were obtained
with orders as to costs as shown in the following list.
It was also found necessary in 2 cases to obtain
Distress Warrants for the recovery of costs.