London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1959

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough]

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The contract with the London County Council, referred to above,
provides for the payment by them of 3s. 6d. for each treatment given.
whether for vermin or for scabies, with a minimum payment of
£500 per annum.
Arrangements have been made with the Wandsworth Boroug
Council, and the Lambeth Borough Council, for certain of the residents
in those Boroughs, who require treatment or cleansing, to attend at the
Battersea Personal Cleansing Station, the cost of this service being borne
by the respective Boroughs in which the patients are resident.
During the year 152 treatments were given to Wandsworth residents
and 44 treatments to Lambeth residents.
Methods of Treatment:—
Scabies: Persons attending for treatment are given a hot bath
for twenty to thirty minutes, thoroughly dried, and Benzyl Benzoate
applied to the whole of the body. This is repeated on alternate days
there being three treatments in all.
Verminous heads: The hair is treated with a preparation containing
cotton-seed oil, tar oil, paraffin oil and oil of lemon grass, and
then washed with a shampoo of soft soap and borax. It is then dried
thoroughly, combed with a Sacker's comb to remove nits, washed.
dried and combed again. The operation takes approximately half an
hour for each child, and a final check is made by the Sister in attendance.
The Council have two fiats attached to the Personal Cleansing
Station for the temporary use in emergency of people or a family
displaced, usually following fumigating procedure. The Council have
agreed that these shelters may be used for Wandsworth residents at
an annual fee of £25 for the right to use the shelters and a weekly
charge of £1 10s. Od. per shelter for every case sent there.
Disinfection and Disinfestation.
Methods of Disinfection: Following the notification of a case of
infectious disease requiring disinfection, an inspection is made and the
following methods used. The patient's room is sprayed with a
formaldehyde solution. The doors and windows are closed and the
room can be used again after five or six hours.
Bedding and clothing are collected and steam treated at the Station.
where the disinfection plant consists of two large steam disinfectors.
Sheets, pillow cases and hand towels are exposed to formalin vapour in
a special chamber prior to being washed in the adjoining laundry.
Books and other articles which cannot be steam disinfected are
also treated by exposure to a formalin vapour.
Disinfestation of Verminous Rooms : Articles in the room requiring
treatment are removed for steam disinfestation. The room is sprayed
with an insecticide containing Pybuthrin and Lindane/D.D.T., which
gives a prolonged residual effect. In the case of a heavy infestation,
architraves and mouldings are required to be eased for deeper Penetration
of the insecticide.
Control of Insect Pests: The construction by the Council of large
blocks of flats containing covered ducts taking hot water, plumbing
and drainage pipes has raised a problem of insect infestation. These
ducts form an ideal harbourage for insects which would be difficult