London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough]

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Statistics for the Year ended 31st December, 1951.
Number of new dwellings erected or re-erected 117
Number of houses demolished:-
In pursuance of clearance orders Nil
In pursuance of demolition orders 1
In pursuance of undertakings to demolish Nil
Number of dwelling houses inspected for housing
defects (under Public Health and Housing
Acts) 4,132
Number of inspections made for that purpose 31,864
Number of houses at which defects found:—
Dealt with under Housing Act (informally) Nil
Dealt with under Housing Act (formally) 1
Dealt with under Public Health (London)
Act 2,415
Number of houses where defects remedied:—-
As result of action under Housing Act 5
As result of action under P.H. Act 2,389*
Number of houses in respect of which demolition
orders were made Nil
Number of houses in respect of which undertakings
under Section 11(3) were accepted 1†
Number of underground rooms in respect of
which closing orders were made 14
Number of closing orders determined 2
* Representing 2,893 notices complied with. In 32 of these cases the Council
carried out the work in default of the owner.
† Comprising 3 tenements.