London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1947

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough]

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The average composition of the 415 samples of milk reported
as genuine, proved to be as under :—
Total milk solids 12.28 per cent.
Milk fat 3.56 „
Non-fatty solids 8.72 „
Milk (Special Designations) Order.
The number of licences valid during 1947 was as follows :—
" Tuberculin Tested " milk
Accredited milk

Pasteurised milk
One licence to pasteurise milk was granted and is included in the
above figures. In so far as graded milk is concerned 24 of the premises
in respect of which full licences were valid during the year were
used for the purveyance of both " Tuberculin Tested" and "Pasteurised
" milk.
Of the remainder 5 were used for "Tuberculin Tested" milk only
and 12 for Pasteurised " milk (one for pasteurising).
Heat Treated Milk.
Samples of heat treated milk are taken at regular intervals for
submission to the Public Analyst for phosphatase and methylene blue
tests, and during the year samples as under were taken with the results set out:-
Methylene Blue
Pasteurised 12 - 11 1
Heat Treated 44 2 46
Sterilised 23 _ 23
Ice Cream.
The number of premises registered for the manufacture, storage
and/or sale of ice cream at the end of the year was 48, 15 having been
added and 1 removed. Regulations were issued during the year by the
Minister of Health specifying conditions under which ice cream should
be manufactured, stored and sold. A copy of the regulations was sent
to all occupiers of premises included in the register as well as t0
proprietors of restaurants.
Food Shops, etc.
126 premises were on the register for the sale of preserved foods
and 50 as fish shops. Street stalls from which food was sold
number 93..
These establishments have been subject to systematic inspections-