London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough]

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Nature of Offence or Claim. Result of Proceedings.
Failing to abate a nuisance on land By consent, summons adjourned
at rear of No. 23 Theatre Street sine die on defendant's undertaking
after service of a notice under the to abate the nuisance.
Being the builder intending to Fined 10s. £1 1s. costs awarded to
execute certain works, namely, the the Council.
fitting of a new pan and trap to
the yard water-closet at No. 24
Northcote Road, failed to give
notice thereof to the Council.
Failing to repair efficiently and Fined 20s. 10s. 6d. costs awarded
renew the yard paving at No. 17 to the Council.
Wiseton Road after service of a
Failing to abate a nuisance in the Order to abate the nuisance in 14
first floor front room occupied by days.
her, after service of a notice under
the Act. (21 Hyde Lane).
Failing to abate a nuisance at No. Summons not served.
83 Winstanley Road, after service
of a notice under the Act.
The like at No. 110 Winstanley Road. The nuisance having been abated
since service of summons, summons
withdrawn. 10s. 6d. costs
paid to the Council.
The like at No. 124 Meyrick Road. Work having been carried out satisfactorily
summons withdrawn.
London Government Act, 1899.
Contravention of Council's By-law as Fined 5s.
to fouling of footway by dogs.
The like. The dog having been destroyed,
summons dismissed under the
Probation of Offenders Act, 1907.
London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1908. By-laws made
While carrying on the business of a Fined 5s.
rag and bone dealer distributed a
The like. Fined 10s., with the alternative of
one day's imprisonment.
The like. Fined 10s.
The like. Summons dismissed under the
bation of Offenders Act, 1907.
2s. costs awarded to the Council.
* Nuisance subsequently abated.