London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough.

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used for.the conveyance or containing artificial cream when exposed
for sale shall be labelled " Artificial Cream."
During the year one application for registration of premises
for the sale of artificial cream was granted.
Fish Shops.
Fish shops in which fish either cooked or uncooked is sold,
or in which the curing of fish intended for sale is carried on number
74. All these premises are kept under systematic inspection.
One hundred and ninety inspections were made during 1929
and 23 notices were served for various defects found on inspection.
Restaurant Kitchens.
The number of restaurant kitchens and eating houses on the
register at the end of 1929 was 118, 15 having been added. During
the year 261 inspections were carried out and in 29 cases it was
found necessary to serve notices (including 6 statutory notices) to
remedy defects, mainly for lack of cleanliness.
Street Stalls for Sale of Food.
There are 248 street stalls in the borough for the sale of food—
stuffs of varied character, namely: Coffee 17, vegetables and fruit
153, fish and poultry 29, meats and rabbits 7, sweets 13, and other
foods 29.
Eleven notices were served for defective and insanitary con—
ditions of premises used by street vendors for the storage of their